Apple’s Venture into a No-Jobs World

Speculation about the new Apple iPad is growing. There are several reports floating around out there about the new product that Apple will inevitably roll out. But what’s more important is the fact that this is the first product that will be launched after Steve Jobs’ death.

The Apple magnate is credited for bringing the company out of the brink of bankruptcy in the 1990s and making them the envy of the technology world (except if you’re one of those tech-savvy hipsters who would rather rave about your Android phone). We know he had a huge role to play in the development of the iPhone and the iPad, something that will put him in the history books for sure. But now that he is gone, you have to wonder how Apple intends to carry on the vision that he had for the company. How will this iPad fare? Will it keep consumer confidence? Exceed it?

These are important questions to ask considering the mixed reviews Apple got for the iPhone 4S (see also this). Apple has enjoyed great success due to its innovative designs and intriguing technology, coupled with a great secretive marketing campaign. Now that they have set the bar so high for themselves, there needs to be something else that takes them beyond the scope of Steve Jobs’ vision for the company. If they have no interest in doing this for some ambiguous hope of advancing the state of technology, then they should at least consider it for the sake of their shareholders. I think it’s pretty safe to say that Apple won’t suffer a catastrophic drop in share prices if their next iPad is a flop, but some might look at it as a sign that the end is nigh, or to at least lower standards and hope that the customer service stays decent if the products start going bad.

How does the law play into this?

"One California-based Corporation to rule them all"

I’ve been thinking a lot about intellectual property lately and the claims going back and forth about who invented what first. Apple users will contend that some of Apple’s features are some of the most innovative, and Apple seems to think so as well here, where they claim ownership to some of the iconic features like slide-to-unlock and spell-check suggestions. While most of us would probably roll our eyes at this and say ‘it’s just corporate greed’, there’s a lot more at stake here. The market share between Apple and Google Android phones is neck-to-neck: 44.9% for Apple and 44.8% for Android in the US. Apple is worried that a loss of innovation could drive its market share down, and in order to mitigate this loss, they’re trying to get the law on their side and get an answer as to who exactly invented what first. If Apple wins this lawsuit, it could lead to either a market share drop for Android phones or an opportunity to present something brand new to the market that could revolutionize the industry yet again. And if Apple loses…well, let’s just hope they also have something up their sleeve.

Writing from my MacBook computer, I’m Legalrizk. I hope you enjoyed my legal ramblings!

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